Monday, May 18, 2009

Long Time, No Pictures

on the blog that is....

I have no excuses. I have many sessions to blog but I have been trying to get the galleries up so quickly I haven't taken the time to blog them!

This little girl has been photographed by us since before she was born and she is HILARIOUS!  She reminds  me a lot of my niece with her spunkiness.  She was a trooper as she hadn't had a nap the day of our session.  You never know how that will turn out, but for us it was okay.  These are just a few of the priceless expressions she gave us.  

Classic, huh?


Debbie said...

Oh Sara! She IS a doll! You really captured her personality and the images are gorgeous!
Lucky family to have such a talented photographer!

Sara said...

Those are precious! Absolutely adorable.