Saturday, January 22, 2011

A Special Family

One of our trips in December included a stop in Oklahoma to visit my sister, brother-in-law, niece, and nephew. We have wanted to do a family session for awhile now but our trips are usually packed full and our session gets put on the back burner. That ALMOST happened this time but we weren't going to have anything to do with that. It was cold and really overcast but we made a short session happen....and I love the results!

My sister has always had an eye for fashion and I love the choices she made for their clothing. It all coordinated so well together. Her littlest wasn't thrilled about the cold but there is just something about these images that speak to me. It's real life...not everyone is ALWAYS happy, but everyone has their moments.


See, he's really a mama's boy and it was a little better once he got to her.


This little girl LOVES her daddy though....she also LOVES her Uncle Michael. (Don't ask me why she calls him that when EVERYONE around her says Mike, but she hasn't deterred from it in over a year.) I try not to get my feelings hurt when they call and she asks for him. :) What can I say...she has good taste!


I adore these of my sister and her husband. We sent the kids inside and they got to snuggle for a few minutes!


This little girl loves being a princess so when we framed it that way she was happy to be in front of my camera....she just posed away. Patrick, you better beware...she's gonna be a cutie!


I'm really not trying to be biased to really wasn't a good day for the little guy. Funny thing is last time he was the one hamming it up...maybe next time they will BOTH be funny for me?


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